
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Big Black Dog and Some Trees

Since I haven't mentioned him in some time, here's a little Ebon:

At the dog walking area by the condo. He's actually pointing in this picture. A storm knocked down a lot of debris from the trees and he spent a lot of time sniffing it curiously.
Ebon deciding a futon mattress is preferable to his own bed. I later caught him using the pillow as a pillow.
Here's also some interesting-looking trees from the primitive garden on my campus. Both of these will eventually be featured in a Crazy Plant post.

Ginkgo biloba, or ginkgo, an odd sort of tree with uniquely shaped leaves that does not produce flowers. Its fruits are rather unsavory, as they give off an odor not unlike vomit.
The monkey puzzle tree, Araucaria araucana, an evergreen with very sharp "leaves." The common name comes from a thought experiment involving how a monkey would go about climbing the tree.

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