
Friday, June 15, 2012

One Year

Ebon after his most recent bath

One year ago today, I posted my first post on this blog. I really can't believe it's been an entire year. In the past year, I've published 375 posts and have received over 60,542 views. Views have come from all over the world and I have received more comments than I could ever imagine. I most enjoy seeing comments from those who have learned something new by reading what I have to say. I hope to continue to share things with my wonderful readers for as long as I may. My love of animals makes every post I do a lot of fun to research and compose, and hopefully I can come up with some ideas to bring some more regular topics to the blog.

In celebration, I've decided to change the blog's main color from blue to green. The current layout may or may not stay for long and I will probably give it some tweaking before the day is over. However, I do plan to keep it green, perhaps for the next year. I'll also be posting a few other things today, including another look at my history with Ebon.


  1. Congratulations! You're really taking off, and posting more than once a day--especially with the sorts of research and documented topics you write about--is amazing. You'll have 100,000 views before you know it.

    1. Thanks, Chris.

      I don't think I would consider it amazing. Often the days I post two things, one of them was mostly written on a day I didn't post anything and then just needed some tweaking.

  2. Congrats! Your blog is one of my favorites. It's really quite fun and interesting to read. The green looks good too.

    1. Thanks, Losech. I thought it was a bit too pale for my liking, so it's darker now, lol.

  3. Congrats on the milestone! It's a blog well done and deserves tons and tons of traffic.

  4. Much-earned congratulations!! Keep up the good work. :)

  5. Congrats, I'm so glad you blog. I learn so much! Sometimes I just don't feel educated enough to comment but I do love taking it all in :)

    1. Thanks. I like to hear that people are learning from my blog. Feel free to ask questions if you like! :)
